Friday, August 9, 2019

Ft. Worth Brain Tumor Walk 2019

Though I haven't walked in the last four years due to running a business, I will be available to walk this fall in honor of my wife. Of course, I've got to get back into shape. I didn't realize how out of shape running a business would put you, but it seems that that exhaustion that you feel is not the right kind of exhaustion.

The Ft. Worth Brain Tumor Walk takes place Saturday November 2, 2019 and I hope that some of you will be able to join me and Lilly. Follow the links below and we hope to see you there!

Ft. Worth Brain Tumor Walk

By clicking on the above link, you can join the walk, join our team - Team Kiwi, or just donate to me - James Pickering, the team - Team Kiwi, or to the walk itself. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to help.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Off The Beaten Path

I love watching some of the videos from CBS News Sunday Morning. The minute or two of a nature scene with no sound but the rustling wind and bird calls are so calming. This one was more of a informational nature video about the byways of America. After watching it, I was reminded of all the times that Carroll and I would do our best to get off the beaten path. There is always so much more to see at a slower speed than what you can glimpse at seventy miles an hour.

We loved to watch Texas Country Reporter with Bob Phillips (now he's bringing along his wife Kelli) and we even had a atlas that they had put out (I think TCR did it) with every Texas road, farm-to-market and wagon rut that would support a vehicle. The word vehicle was used very loosely to accommodate many types of conveyance. With the help of that book, we got to see Texas fox hunts (coyotes filled in) and dinosaur tracks and so many other sights.

This summer I hope to introduce my daughter to some of these amazing scenes by riding the roads like me and her mama did. And mama will still be there with us smiling down and enjoying the ride.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Getting back to work on what matters

So for four years I tried my hand at running my own business. Now that I've closed the shop, I have more time to work on something that I've been neglecting in the past and that is writing about my wife and raising money to fight these blasted brain tumors. It seems everywhere I turn, they are the cause for someone losing a life. Within a week of each other, I witnessed the passing of a good friend who was there when Carroll was sick and the passing of another friend's mother. I'm tired of this being "normal" news. I'm ready for a cure.

Please join me in the fight.

And stay tuned for more stories about Kiwi. I promise, I'll write more.

Help us find a cure!